miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


Open Thursday - Saturday, 12-5pm
Private View: Friday 25 February 6.30-9pm with Live Performance by Garrett Lynch at 7.30pm
Special guests on the night: Dr. Richard Barbrook, Andy Cameron, Garrett Lynch, Quayola, and Eleonora Oreggia aka XNAME.

In a world where individuals and communities are connected via real-time technologies in a state of mutual hyper-presence, what does it mean that our interactions can be traced and viewed by people unknown to us? Can we claim these effects to consciously produce new realities and create new adventures beyond given structures and stories? Can we remix our realities?

REFF - REMIX THE WORLD! REINVENT REALITY! at Furtherfield Gallery (formerly HTTP) offers tools and strategies to explore different ways of 'being' with others physically and virtually to intervene in the world. Let's see what we can do..." Furtherfield.

Italian artist duo Art is Open Source (AOS) and Fake Press will present an ongoing exhibition of their latest project, REFF (RomaEuropaFakeFactory). REFF presents itself as a fake institution, designing crafted applications and invasive practices; a book; an urban performance; and an augmented reality drug that creates alternative, stratified, mashed-ups, remixed worlds. In the AOS scenario the drug reinvents reality and the artists are “pushers”, distributing an illegal substance around the world.

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